There’s a lot of misinformation out there surrounding breast sag (ptosis). Your grandmother may have had a lot of wisdom, but many old wives’ tales about how breasts age have largely been disproven. In this blog post, Newport Beach plastic surgery specialist Dr. Richard Lee aims to dispel some of the most common myths about breast sag.

Myth #1: Only Large Breasts Sag

Even small breasts can be subject to unwanted sagging. Breasts sag due to the ratio of breast tissue to fat tissue, not because of the size of the breast itself. If your breasts have a large amount of fat tissue, they are more likely to sag. However, if you maintain a healthy BMI, the ratio of breast tissue to fat will work in your favor, and you will probably experience less sag over time. Daily exercise and a healthy diet can help you keep body fat down to a minimum. Lifestyle factors such as smoking and unprotected sun exposure can also contribute to breast sag, regardless of size.

Myth #2: Breastfeeding Causes Sag

There are myriad reasons to breastfeed, and if you’re trying to decide if nursing is best for you and your little one, there is no need to add “breast sag” to your list of cons. Research shows that breastfeeding in no way causes breasts to droop. Weight gain during pregnancy can stretch the ligaments, which can lead to sagging down the road, so it’s best to stay on track with a healthy weight gain. Any dramatic change in your overall weight will likely cause your breasts to change over time.

Myth #3: Creams and Pills Can Prevent Sag

Beware of topical solutions or pills that claim to prevent sag. There is no magic pill or lotion that will revert your breasts back to their youthful perkiness. Breast sag is solely due to stretched ligaments, a process that cannot be reversed by creams, tablets or even exercises. The only way to truly reverse the effects that aging, weight gain and stretched ligaments can have on the breasts is to undergo cosmetic plastic surgery.

Breast lifts are relatively simple procedures that can help you reclaim your youthful body. During breast lift, Dr. Lee removes loose, excess skin that is causing the breasts to sag. He also reshapes and lifts the breasts to a higher position on the chest wall. The result is a more youthful and perky appearance. If you would like to counter the sag that comes naturally with age, email or call Newport Body’s Dr. Lee at (949) 548-9312 and schedule a consultation. With a little help, you can have the body you’ve always dreamed of.

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